Spare parts sourcing made easy

Sourcing for spare parts may be a time consuming task, from asking a multitude of suppliers to handling loads of communications and transactions.

Asking us to do it for you is easy.

Our logistics solution gives you the full package while freeing your time to focus on your core activities. We are your spare parts supermarket. Send us your shopping list, we’ll handle your order. One transaction in paying for your order, while we handle the negotiation of the best prices for you. You will get access to our global network of manufacturers, meaning that even though you are doing your spare parts shopping through your dedicated contact in Denmark, we will deliver to you from any of our warehouses in Denmark, China, Korea or Japan, to a destination of your choice.

Orders from multiple manufacturers are consolidated into packages to be shipped at a far more competitive rate to their final destination. Fewer shipments mean quicker delivery at lower cost. Not to mention the ever important CO2 reduction.

We buy from more than 10,000 suppliers and manufacturers in 65 countryes and we deliver to shoip owners and managers all over the world. Most of the world’s largest top 20 fleet operators rely on our services to help them source for the best prices on parts and on freight. We’re here to help.

Contact us today.